Monday, February 20, 2012

History's focal point

In the history of the world as we know it many events have transpired of consequence. Some were positive in nature, some negative. However, no event in recorded history, even since the creation of the worlds has had the significance of the infinite atonement of Jesus Christ. Nothing else is comparable nor even in the same sphere of influence. The creation of the world and creation of man has no significance without the infinite atonement. Nothing that happened before it and nothing that will transpire after bears any importance except for the fact the atonement did occur. Bear in mind the atonement of Jesus Christ does not only involve His time on the cross and the consequence of it, but it also includes the pain He suffered in Gethsemane.

Throughout the history of the world no person has walked on this earth without sin, with the lone exception on one, Jesus Christ. Being sinless and the literal Son of Deity made Him uniquely qualified to perform required tasks to preserve the sanctity of man and only He could give us the opportunity to enjoy exaltation and the fruits of eternal life with He and His Father.

My journey as a writer had followed some turns I am not happy with. I know I've disappointed the great author of the infinite atonement with some of the things I've written. I am still a long way from perfect, but I now try to consider my relationship with Jesus as I put down the words to a story. Consider this as you write, no one in mortality will judge your book beyond just a few moments in time. But the judgments of Jesus Christ are infinite and bear eternal gratification or consequence.

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